
English invitation to book release

Meet urban gardeners! Sow a seed for a green and just future! Check out ABC’s brand new method book! 

After four seasons gardening with children and youth in Linero, east Lund, ABC is very proud to welcome you to the book release party for our local urban gardening and democracy project Ett Grönare Lund’s method book “Växa & gro – stadsodling som demokrativerkstad” (Grow & Thrive – Urban Gardening As A Democracy Building Tool)! The release party takes place Wednesday 8th of April at culture house Stenkrossen in Lund from 5.30 pm onwards.  Even though the book is written in Swedish, the program for the book release will be English-friendly.

In the book, authors Julia Linder and Sara Nelson, project leader and gardening coordinator for the project,  emphasizes urban gardening as a way to work with sustainable developement – where children and youth get the mandate and the tools to influence their everyday lives, society and the future. The book is written for experienced gardeners, those who are eager to get started, as well as teachers, pedagogues and leaders of children and youth activities.

More information about the book release can be found on Ett Grönare Lund’s blog and on the Facebook eventet: Boksläpp för Ett Grönare Lunds metodbok “Växa & gro”Well met!

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