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Spread the Word about ABC!

We want you!

WHY: As you already active members know ABC is an independent non-profit volunteer organization established in Lund since 1998. We have international collaborations in Nepal and India as well as local projects. These range from urban gardens to youth centers and all focus on sustainability. Through the promotion of gender equality, human rights, Fairtrade and positive environmental impacts we are inspired to create positive change in society. ABC is a non-profit organization on voluntary basis. We need active and supportive members to realize the vision statement to bring people together to enable the transition towards sustainable and empowered communities. We want to make a change and we want to do it together! ABC can only be as active as our members – so let’s connect more people!

ABC Letterhead


HOW: We have created a template to share with your family, friends and network filled with information about ABC and how to get involved.

Link to the english version: http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=cff971c3aa16c7a22a82cfb77&id=2f98eba654&e=7cea1bc1ee

Link to the swedish version: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=cff971c3aa16c7a22a82cfb77&id=4ab90389f2&e=7cea1bc1ee

NEED MORE REASONS? The 19th of April we will wrap up the membership campaign with a brunch! The brunch will be a chance to meet the members and board of ABC, to learn about the project, taste and buy our delicious range of Fairtrade products and workshops in upcycling!
So, let’s spread the word of ABC together! Numerous members give ABC more legitimacy as an independent NGO and will make change and transition happen! Thank you for your contribution and we look forward seeing you on the brunch!


You can also join our Facebook Event to keep updated on the latest campaign news!

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Välkomna till ABC:s stadsodlingskick-off i Lund!

Vill du göra en skillnad och engagera dig i en ätbar, växande och global rörelse!? Då är du varmt välkommen till ABC:s stadsodlingskick-off måndag 9 mars kl.17.30 på Kulturhuset Stenkrossen i Lund! Mer info finns på Facebook-eventet: www.facebook.com/events/810875912318280/.


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Nomination List to ABC’s Annual Meeting

At ABC’s Annual Meeting this Saturday 29th of November, the meeting will elect ABC’s coming Board, Election Committee and External Accountant.

Here is the Election Committee’s nomination list:

  • Chairperson 1 year – Helen Backlund
  • Ordinary Member (Vice Chairperson) 1 year – Julia Linder
  • Ordinary Member (Secretary) 2 years – Lina Sundberg
  • Ordinary Member (Activity Coordinator) 1 year – Julian Wortman
  • Ordinary Member (Development Group) 2 years – Liz Kyrklund
  • Suppleant (Communications Officer) 2 years – Jamie Bowd
  • Supppleant (Activity Coordination + Membership Issues) 1 year – Hanna Burckhardt
  • Suppleant – (Development Group) 2 years – Maja Karlsson
  • Suppleant – (Development Group) 1 year – Adventino Banjwa
  • Election Committee Member (Spokesperson) 1 year – Madhuri Paul
  • Election Committee Member 1 year – Hristo Valchev
  • Election Committee Member 1 year – vacant
  • External Accountant – 1 year Magnus Persson, Lunda Revisionsbyrå

*Please observe that the role written in parenthesis is the Election Committees recommendation. The final roles of all Ordinary and Suppleant Members is to be decided by the coming Board at the first Constitutional Board Meeting. 

At the Annual Meeting, a motivation for each candidate will be given. It is possible to contest all positions at the actual meeting except for the Chairperson position.

For questions or comments, please contact:

Julia Linder (julia.linder@abcsweden.org)

or Madhuri Paul (madhuri.m.dhar@gmail.com)