
See you at Kulturnatten!


It is time for Lund’s annual culture manifestation Kulturnatten (The Culture Night) when all central of Lund becomes an all night long culture celebration – and of course we’re here! During Kulturnatten the twentieth of September we at ABC – active contributions for people and the environment together with The Swallows India Bangladesh will host an Open House filled with cultural activities. We at ABC will also host activities at Stenkrossen and our fruit picking initiative Fruktsam will be in The Botanical Gardens of Lund.

At ABC’s and The Swallows’ office on Spolegatan 5 we will arrange lots of cultural activities between 10.00-15.30. Here you will get the opportunity to go crazy shopaholic in The Swallows second hand store, sit back with an ecological fika, purchase Fair Trade products and handicrafts from ABC’s projects in India, do a henna tattoo and listen to live music from Lund’s local talants. Read more about the Open House here on Facebook.

In The Botanical Gardens of Lund the green houses will be open during the night and there will be an Apple Theme. Our fruit picking initiative Fruktsam will be there between 18.00-21.00. Visit The Botanical Gardens website for more information.

At Stenkrossen we will host a cultural feast all night long with live music, Vi odlar! will arrange gardening activities in the garden, the project The Buzzing Beehive welcomes you to visit our beehive and we will arrange an ecological and Fair Trade café between 18.00-22.00. We at ABC will be here at 18.00 until midnight.

Join us at Kulturnatten and let us together be entertained by Lunds most unique culture manifestation!


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