Our work aims to build on people’s own needs and desires from a democratic perspective and on the grounds of human rights. We also see the importance of having an integrated environmental approach in our projects and collaborations as we believe that the environment has a significant impact on people’s lives.

Capture an insight into our projects and work from another perspective with this article by Pacific Roots, a monthly online magazine exploring issues of environment and sustainability amongst others themes.
Local Projects
In Lund, ABC works together with its members and volunteers to run projects centred around the themes of environment, democracy, education and integration.
International Projects
ABC also runs projects in collaboration with local organizations in India and Nepal to strengthen them in their efforts to create better living conditions for the people they work with.
Working Groups
Our working groups assist the board with the day-to-day operations of ABC Sweden. The groups are a great way to get involved with the organization and organize activities!
Read more about ABC’s previous work and ‘sleeping projects’ here.