Educational trips
In partnership with Sensus study association, ABC has previously organized educational trips to various countries around the world. The purpose of the trips was to learn more about international development and gain more knowledge about the country and culture where the trip went. In 2002 he went to Uganda, in 2004, was the destination India, and in 2007 Vietnam and India. Educational trips were made in groups of 7-12 participants and ranged from 2-3 weeks.
In addition to the time the country was also included preparatory meetings and a mandatory after work where participants shared their newly acquired knowledge and experience through workshops and lectures.
Read the stories from two of the trips below.
Please contact us if you want to be involved in organizing a Training Visiting any of our partner organizations in India or Nepal.
Vietnam 2007
170 mil through varied landscapes
After having spent two weeks in a very comprehensive, multifaceted and friendly country, we have nothing but positive things to say about Vietnam. We met a country that received us shrouds and interested, but also presented us with a lot less question marks and challenges.
The goal of the project is to study the producer of fair trade in the South, and then illuminate the actual implications of a conscious choice for consumers in the North. We are sure that the project will involve an exchange of information between North and South, which is why we will also pass on glimpses and images of the Swedish fair trade movement to our hosts in the South.
The trip went from the metropolis of Ho Chi Minh in the south, up to the capital Hanoi in northern Vietnam. It was an exciting and comprehensive travel on up to 170 mil through varying landscapes. Among the organizations visited were blah country’s two largest established fair trade organizations, Mai Handicraft in Ho Chi Minh, and Craft Link in Hanoi. Both organizations are engaged in activities and projects at various locations in Vietnam.
We also visited an American aid organization SPIRAL Foundation, with headquarters in the imperial city of Hue in central Vietnam. This organization focuses a lot on health care, but also conducts fair trade projects.
By: Annelie Nilsson and Martina Uldal