Vi odlar! ABC’s urban gardening project at Stenkrossen in Lund!
Vi Odlar! aims to explore and apply urban gardening in practical and creative ways in the spirit that the project may contribute towards the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive Lund. It is a place to build new social networks and to inspire knowledge of organic gardening in an urban environment. Through sustainable methods and the creative re-use of left-over materials we have since 2014 been transforming a gray industrial area into a dynamic and edible piece of urban art. The project is an exciting meeting place that welcomes everyone in Lund!
We meet every wednsesday between 17-19. We would love for you to join us!
The art of growing food, a cultural good in every nation, is coming back to people’s interest, especially in cities where most people will live in the future. However, urban gardening is not something new. Having always emerged in the area of crisis, growing food is contributing to a nation’s resilience. Today with increasing projects all over the world, community gardening has proven to be a powerful method to boost social engagement and cohesion. Provided common decisions and working together, it also teaches about democratic processes. In general, gardening demands physical activity and is known for its therapeutic effect. Planting vegetables also contributes to climate protection by increasing biodiversity and improving the air quality. By producing food where it is consumed, transport emissions are minimised and the gardeners become aware of and connected to what they eat.
Work-Shops and Events
Vi odlar!, together with ABC’s other urban gardening projects, sometimes hosts seminars and workshops where everyone can learn about and experience aspects and theory relating to organic urban gardening. In September, Vi odlar! invites to a harvest festival where we share the joy and produce of the past season.
For dates, follow us on www.facebook.se/viodlar or visit the ABC Calendar!
Wed 17-19, Everyone is welcome! Join us!
Stenkrossen – Kastanjegatan 13, 223 59 Lund
Contact & Visit